The Hans Explosion

Online storytelling game/website/installation/workshops/2022-2023
A project by Angela Wiedermann & Evamaria Müller; programming: Yannic Ellhotka
play here:

This text-based online game invites people of different origins, socio-economic backgrounds, ages and gender identities to become co-tellers of the fairy tale "Hans im Glück". The fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm is about Hans, who receives a gold nugget as a reward for 7 years of apprenticeship and trades it on his way home for various animals/things until nothing is left of it. Turning away from the fairy tale's obvious moral affirmations, it tells much about the strict social order of its time. The bartered goods can be interpreted as status symbols of the social classes of the time and their privileges. Hans' unique luck is (unlike in real life) to be able to decide for himself which privileges he wants to have.

We want to expand the well-known fairy tale with multiple options and split it into chapters corresponding to the different exchange situations within the framework of an interactive storytelling game. In this way, we give the players the choice to decide differently than Hans. They can branch off from the original fairy tale and create alternative narratives with their own protagonists. On the game platform the participants can write themselves into the fairy tale in real time, read the stories of earlier participants and continue writing them. In this way, the fairy tale mutates into a constantly growing narrative tree that questions and changes a paradigm of the Western European canon of values by means of new actors and gives it diversity. It tells of the multitude of possibilities for action that writers, as experts of their lifeworld, make available to other players. After all, sharing know-how is a way of using one's own privileges in such a way that they also benefit others.

The Hans Explosion